Tuesday 1 April 2014

Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images

 Funny Lion Pics Biography

My older son has been thinking about getting a tattoo for a while now. As he is the lead singer of the “soon-to-be famous like Led Zeppelin” rock and soul band The Lionyls, he figures it goes with his image. Just so you know, he makes me add that “famous like Led Zeppelin” qualifier every time I talk about his music. It’s good to dream big, my son. If anybody is crazy-dedicated, crazy-talented, and just plain crazy enough with crazy lion-like hair to make it, it’s you.

When he asked my husband and I what we thought about his plan for the body art, we said, “Do whatever you want. You’re an adult. Just don’t get anything tattooed on your face. You might regret those death tears or that spider web at some point.” And then we both laughed – hard.

Truthfully though, neither one of us is opposed to him getting a tattoo. We both have a few of our own. Thus, the problem for my son is not getting our approval, it’s coming up with the cash to pay for the damn thing. You see, as a just-starting-out musician – sorry, “soon-to-be rock star” – he has very little money.

“I’ll do it soon then,” he said, hearing our response but promptly forgetting his financial situation.

“A good tattoo can cost quite a bit, you know,” I cautioned. “And you don’t want to skimp on something like that. I’ve seen some pretty bad tattoos in my day.” To illustrate my point, I showed him this picture that I just happened to run across while searching up “lion tattoos” on Google.

Source: themetapicture.com.
Source: themetapicture.com.
“Can I borrow $1,200?” my son replied.

“Are you kidding? You’ll have to save that money yourself. But I could probably help you come up a few designs of your own in order to make it cheaper,” I snickered.

As there are always a bunch of people freeloading at my house – mostly the boys’ friends – I knew help was not too far away. I simply went downstairs and interrupted a fairly intense game of Call Of Duty. “Hey, you there,” I said to the closest available boy. “Draw me a lion. Earn your keep.” I handed him a whiteboard and erasable marker. “Do this for me, and I might let you have a drink of water from the tap if you get thirsty.” Dutifully, he did his best.

Afterward, I forced every single person on that couch to play my little game. This is what I got…
"Wha-wha-HE LET HER GO! If that were me..."
—Nuka thinks on how he would hurt Kiara
Nuka was full of angst and brooding for the first half of the film as an adolescent,

complaining about not being the Chosen One in favor of the younger Kovu and not receiving

Zira's attention. He made Vitani stagger back by clipping a root she was tugging on and

laughing right afterwards, establishing him as sadistic like his mother but to a much

lesser degree. NukaSarcastic
Nuka reluctantly singing Kovu a sarcastic lullaby During "My Lullaby," Nuka reluctantly

sang Kovu a sarcastic lullaby.
Ironically, Nuka was more like Scar than Kovu (besides the fact that they look alike): For

both Scar and Nuka envied their brother, who was chosen to be king over them. He seemed to

be somewhat of a pyromaniac, screaming avid, "FIRE!" when setting the Pride Lands alight.

Finally, he was violent, arrogant, and impulsive and tried to prove he was better than

Kovu, but died in the process, making him selfish and vain.

Early life
"I don't know why we even have to be here... if Kovu is so SPECIAL, why does he need us? I

never even had a chance!"
—Nuka still lamenting on not being the Chosen One
Cub Nuka, made before the film's release
As suggested by the film, Nuka was born during Scar's reign, and didn't seem to have a good

relationship with the King, evident by his distaste shown in the second film. According to

him, neither Scar nor Zira gave Nuka a chance at being the heir to the throne.
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images
 Funny Lion Pics Funny Lion Pictures King Pictures King Quotes King Memes Pics King Pics King Gif Cartoon Pics Wallppaers Photos Images

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